In a world of twists and turns, a strategic family disaster plan is your guardian angel when chaos strikes. From nature's fury to unexpected twists of fate, preparedness is your superpower. Dive into our top 10 tips to craft a family disaster plan that becomes your family's fortress, ensuring safety and serenity when you need it most.

3 min read

a close up of a phone with a red handlea close up of a phone with a red handle


Establish a reliable communication plan with designated meeting places and emergency contacts, both local and out-of-town. Ensure everyone in the family knows how to reach each other.

Imagine it's a stormy night, the powers are down, and things look bad. Your family hinges on effective communication. It's good to create a meet-up command center. One close to the family home. One further away.

For the close-up meeting spot, we recommend choosing a neighbor's house or a park. And for a further away spot pick a family relative or close friend and make sure all family members have that person's contact information stored on their phone and written down.


When it comes to disaster preparedness, one size does not fit all. Your family's safety plan should be as unique as your fingerprint. Begin by conducting thorough research on the types of disasters most likely to occur in your region. Whether it's earthquakes that send tremors through your area, hurricanes that lash at your coastlines with fierce winds and rain, wildfires that threaten to engulf your forests, or any other localized threats, understanding your regional risks is paramount. Consult local emergency management agencies, meteorological authorities, geological surveys, and historical data to gain a comprehensive understanding of potential hazards.


Creating an emergency kit for your family is a proactive step towards ensuring their safety during unexpected crises. This kit should contain essential items that can sustain you and your loved ones for a period of time in the event of a disaster or emergency. It typically includes non-perishable food items, a supply of clean water, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, a multi-tool or Swiss army knife, a portable phone charger, important documents (such as identification and insurance papers), and any necessary prescription medications. Tailor the kit to your family's specific needs, including items for infants, elderly family members, or individuals with special medical requirements. Regularly check and update the kit to ensure that all supplies are within their expiration dates and functioning correctly. By preparing an emergency kit, you'll provide a crucial lifeline for your family during times of uncertainty, enabling you to weather the storm with greater peace of mind.

white and red no smoking signwhite and red no smoking sign


An evacuation plan is a cornerstone of disaster preparedness, and it can mean the difference between a safe escape and unnecessary risk. Start by developing a clear and well-thought-out plan that includes multiple escape routes from your home, ensuring that these routes are easily accessible and known to all family members. Regularly practicing these evacuation routes with your family is essential to ensure everyone is familiar with the process and can execute it efficiently during a high-stress situation. Additionally, it's crucial that all family members know how to turn off utilities such as gas, water, and electricity to prevent potential hazards. By having a well-established evacuation plan in place and practicing it regularly, you empower your family to respond swiftly and safely in the face of disaster, increasing their chances of reaching a place of safety.


The old adage "practice makes perfect" couldn't be truer when it comes to disaster preparedness. Regularly conducting drills and practicing emergency scenarios with your family is a vital step in ensuring everyone's safety.

These drills can encompass various aspects of disaster response, from evacuations and sheltering to using emergency equipment like fire extinguishers or first-aid kits. Additionally, it's crucial that each family member understands their role in different situations. Assign specific responsibilities, such as gathering supplies, caring for pets, or assisting younger or older family members. By practicing regularly, you not only reinforce critical skills but also build confidence and reduce panic during real emergencies.

Preparedness isn't just about having supplies; it's about knowing how to use them effectively and working together as a team to navigate challenging situations.